Cold tomato soup

Difficulty 1/5

Serves 4 • Prep : 10 Min • Recipe by carnetdesaveurs

  • -6 large tomatoes
  • -30 g strong mustard
  • -30 g celery hearts
  • -2 drops Tabasco
  • -Olive oil
  • -Basil leaves
  • -Salt
Cold tomato soup

  1. 1Wash the tomatoes and remove the stalks. Roughly chop the tomatoes and celery and puree in a blender until the mixture is smooth and the tomato seeds are completely dissolved.
  2. 2Then filter the mixture into a large bowl and pour back into the blender. Add the mustard and flavour with salt. Add a generous dash of olive oil. Blend one last time until everything is well combined
  3. 3Divide the tomato soup into four deep plates or bowls and add a dash of olive oil over the top. Garnish with a few basil leaves and serve.