Turkish sandwich

Difficulty 3/5

Makes 4 Sandwiches • Prep : 15 min. • Cooking : 20 min • Recipie by reyhanskitchenn

  • -4 rolls sandwich bread
  • -200 g kasar cheese, sliced (or provolone or Gruyère cheese)
  • -150 g sucuk (a type of Turkish sausage), casing removed and sliced
  • -100 g beef or turkey salami, thinly sliced
  • -100 g chicken or turkey sausages, sliced in strips
  • -40 g softened butter
  • -2 big tomatoes, thinly sliced
  • -6 pickled gherkin, thinly sliced
  • -Ketchup, mayonnaise and mustard
Turkish sandwich

  1. 1Begin by cutting your sandwich bread in half lengthwise, then spread the softened butter evenly. Next, grill the bread pieces on a skillet or a heavy-based pan until they achieve a desirable golden-brown color and become nicely crisped, which typically takes about 5 minutes. Once done, set them aside.
  2. 2In the same pan, cook the sliced sucuk pieces, sausages, and salami pieces until they are crispy and slightly curled on the edges. Once cooked, remove the cooked meats from the pan and transfer them onto a plate, ensuring to retain the grease from these ingredients. This grease not only enhances the flavor but also prevents the cheese from sticking to the pan.
  3. 3Place the sliced cheese onto the pan and grill until lightly browned, utilizing the grease from the meat. Flip the cheese slices and grill for a few more minutes until both sides achieve a desirable golden-brown hue.
  4. 4Carefully remove the grilled cheese from the pan and place them on top of the bottom half of the bread. Proceed by adding the cooked sucuk, sausage and salami, followed by sliced tomatoes and pickles.Garnish the sandwich with a squeeze of ketchup and mayonnaise for the perfect flavor balance.